Next World Health TV

Chemtrails = Coal ash+aluminium

Aluminium is the most abundant metal on earth

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It is part of the waste product of burning coal

Are chemtrails real?

Yes, they are. All you have to do is look up. One day the sky is blue. The next day it's crisscrossed with chemtrails. They're so obvious, they're disrupting radar weather maps.

Who is doing it and why?

It appears to be a multiple-purpose operation: 1) climate modification; 2) weaponzing the atmosphere, and 3) making tons of toxic coal ash - the byproduct of coal burning plant - "disappear."

In short, a lot of government-enabled and protected criminals are making a fortune out of this.

The video that talks about the how and why of chemtrails, the second one in the series as made by this guy.


Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD., the doctor Big Pharma loves to hate, offers a medical view of chemtrails esp the aluminum aspect

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