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GMO's: Genetically Engineered Food


Bayer's hidden Frankenstein workshop in the US Caribbean (15:19)

GMO Animals And Seeds: Documentary (32:28)

GMO Ticking Time Bomb by Gary Null (14:43)

High fructose corn syrup (6:22)

How To Detox From GMO's (5:63)

How To Find Out If It's A GMO (3:14)

King Corn: Full Documentary (1:30:01)

Marianne Williamson At March Against Monsanto (19:55)

Millions Against Monsanto (5:40)

Monsanto's Roundup is Glyphosate (09:25)

The roots of the epidemic of modern diseases (01:05:41)

Top 2 ways (03:00)

Vermont Senate Passes GMO Food Labeling Bill (6:53)

Who controls the world's food supply? (13:06)

Why Monsanto hates Cuba (27:44)

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