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Ants: Nature's Secret Power (Full Film) (54:06)

Borderline Personality Disorder Explained (48:11)

Globesity: Fat's New Frontier (40:56)

How DuPont, 3M and other corporations abuse the public (11:58)

Insider Scientists Blow Whistle On HIV (13:59)

Killing ourselves with corn (1:20:16)

Koko: A Talking Gorilla (1:20:46)

"Mining" water (1:03:57)

Scented poisons (34:14)

The Boy with the Incredible Brain (48:02)

"Trace Amounts" (2:13:11)

VAXXED (1:27:34)

When healing becomes a crime (21:14)

Why processed food is do dangerous (12:16)

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